那是意外收获,在韩剧『The Slingshot』里看到一幕韩国花农们培育的小小仙人掌,顶着艳丽夺目的彩帽,匆匆一瞥,赶紧倒带看清楚,不正是前阵子垂死在办公桌前的心爱宝贝吗?
怪只怪自己没好好研究过它的存活方式,连名字也搞不清楚,直到韩剧字幕亮出“Grafted Cactus”(嫁接仙人掌)的字眼,有迹可寻,才找到这个美丽的名字“Moon Cactus”,我将它译为“掌中月”。
Q: Could you give me any information on a "Moon Cactus"?
These are actually what are called a grafted cactus. That is, attaching one type of cactus to another to grow as one. This is actually done with a lot of different kinds of cactus for various reasons, but the one referred to as the "Moon Cactus" (just a catchy marketing name) is done as a novelty to keep the top, brightly colored one alive.
It couldn't survive by itself because it doesn't have any chlorophyll - the stuff that makes plants green and makes food for them. These wild color variations are artificially induced by irradiation I believe. The top cactus is a desert cactus - Gymnocalycium mihanovichii. The bottom one is a jungle cactus, usually some type of Hylocereus. The bottom one has the chlorophyll and the roots to provide all the needs of the top plant.
98% of all of these colored novelty grafts are produced in Korea; they have the whole technique down to a fine science, and they produce millions of them.
If you have or get one, put it in a location where it gets bright indirect light, or even in a window that gets a few hours of direct sun - preferably morning or late afternoon sun that isn't too harsh. Hotter sun closer to midday could burn the plant. Water the plant thoroughly, and don't water again until the pot is fairly dry about down to a depth of 1" in the soil. It will benefit from an occasional fertilizing with an all-purpose liquid houseplant food diluted to half strength. This can be done once a month in place of one of the waterings during its growing period - usually during late spring to late summer.
Q: Would you please explain grafting moon cactus pups on other cacti?
This is a fairly involved undertaking; not actually difficult but very precise.
The cactus that is usually used for the bottom part is a Hylocereus or a similar type jungle cactus. The top of one of these is cut off, and another type of cactus is also cut and placed on top.
This is the tricky part: you need to know a bit about each plant's vascular system - the part that gets the food and water around in the plants. It's not unlike trying to re-attach a severed limb. You have to be sure that the veins and nerves all line up to heal together. Typically the two cactus should be somewhat of the same diameter to help in the process.